Hip-Hop Internacional

Devine Carama - White Girl Lost (con Marcus McClinton)

Por: raidearth25 de septiembre de 2012 @ 00:37

Devine Carama - White Girl Lost (con Marcus McClinton)

El 1 de octubre nos llegará el "It Was Rewritten (Nas Tribute)"de Devine Carama.

This is a song that deals with racial perception. Racism isn't always based off of hate, but rather ignorance. This song tells two stories of a white girl with misguided perceptions when it comes to their affection for the black male. I'm from Kentucky so I have personally dealt with this situation several times. I wanted to shed light on this particular aspect of racial perception. At the end of the day don't judge people off their religion, race, etc. Just get to know people and love or hate them for who they are.

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