KON Sci The Crichton Beat Tape

LP, 2020
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#. Título Producción
01 Crichton Preface KON Sci
02 Congo KON Sci
03 Timeline KON Sci
04 Eaters Of The Dead KON Sci
05 State Of Fear KON Sci
06 Jurassic Park KON Sci
07 The Lost World KON Sci
08 Sphere KON Sci
09 The Great Train Robbery KON Sci
10 Prey KON Sci
11 Terminal Man KON Sci
12 The Andromeda Strain KON Sci
13 Travels KON Sci
14 Rising Sun KON Sci
15 Crichton Postscript KON Sci


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